Una gru Fassi F1150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic e una F990RA.2.27 xhe-dynamic hanno affrontato senza problemi la movimentazione di ben 91 moduli abitativi
Goteburg (Svezia) – When it comes to using Fassi cranes to move prefabricated units for temporary school buildings, it is always a matter of giving good news. The need for a temporary building usually arises as a temporary solution until the construction of a new building is completed, as is probable in this case too. On this occasion the client's task in Sweden was to dismantle a temporary structure made up of 91 units.
It took two Fassi cranes to complete this demanding operation: an F1150RA.2.28 xhe-dynamic and an F990RA.2.27 xhe-dynamic, both equipped with L616 jibs. The weight of the handled units ranged from 8500 to 12000 kg. Both Scania trucks fitted with these two Fassi cranes were designed and built by Fassi's importer-distributor in Sweden, the company Fassi Sverige AB. (Per gentile concessione di B. Ljung - Fassi Sverige AB).