
É C O L E D E C O N D È - É c o l e s u p é r i e u r e p r i v é e

Ecole de Condé - Lyon Campus. The leading private art and design school, in one of France’s most dynamic cities.
Ecole de Condé’s Lyon Campus is one of the main arts and design schools in the vibrant city of Lyon, renowned for its creative and culinary scenes. The school is located in the university district, in a converted garage which is now part of the city’s local industrial architectural heritage. Covering over 4600 sq. m (50,000 sq. ft.), the building hosts state of the art facilities as well as a stunning rooftop terrace view over the city.


It very quickly became clear to him which themes he felt were most important, starting with landscapes, film, street photography and portraiture. For him, photography is a way to reflect the sensations he feels at any given moment and share them with the world.

She has been fond of photography since she was a child, a passion she inherited from her father. She finally decided to follow a course in photography, which she would later complete with a course in graphic design orart direction.

Cèsar was born in 2001 in Drôme. Alongside his studies, he is already a professional photographer, specialising in the field of advertising. He is moving towards video and drone photography.

William is 22 years old. He is a second-year student doing his BA in Photography at the École de Condé, Lyon. He is particularly interested in photojournalism.

Mayline is 20 years old and is currently studying photography at the École de Condé. She has a particular penchant for sports photography, especially football events.

Loire is 19 years old. She loves taking many different types of photos, but she particularly likes artistic photography, which allows her to create staged scenes and portraits in a dark, poetic minimalist universe.

Inès is 20 years old and is currently studying photography and moving image in the second year of her BA in Photography at the École de Condé in Lyon.

Malo is 22 years old. He has been passionate about photography - as well as basketball - since he was very young. He started his studies in electrical engineering. He obtained his BTS and afterwards he enrolled at the École de Condé.

After 2 years in cinema, he turned to photography with his training at the school of Condé Lyon. He was fascinated by street photography when he first came to Condé, but now he loves working in the studio.

Photography has given him a great deal in terms of how he sees things, how he interprets everything around him. He entered the École de Condé in Lyon in 2019, which allowed him to really blossom and open up even more in his practice.

Trained at the Condé school in Lyon, she specialised in fashion. She likes to be daring, to challenge norms, and to shoot in a quirky way. For her, every photograph she takes is a self-portrait.

Fassi Gru S.p.A. - Ladekrane Hersteller seit 1965

Fassi Gru ist Marktführer unter den italienischen Herstellern. Mit seinem Produktsortiment und der Anzahl verkaufter Krane gehört das Unternehmen zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern von Hydraulikkranen.
Die Produktionskapazität liegt bei ca. 12.000 Kranen pro Jahr. Das gesamte Sortiment wird für einen schnellen und engmaschigen Vertrieb in die ganze Welt exportiert und geliefert. Von Kanada bis Frankreich, vom Vereinigten Königreich bis Australien: Die Professionalität von Fassi setzt sich das Ziel, allen unterschiedlichen Marktanforderungen, die oftmals an die geografischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen der einzelnen Länder gebunden sind, gerecht zu werden