Fassi's importer in Spain has almost completed the installation of two Fassi F1150RA.2.28 L616 cranes
Lliçà de Vall (Spain) – Two Fassi F1150RA.2.28 L616 cranes fitted on two Iveco Trakker 4-axle trucks have now almost been completed by our importer/distributor, the company Transgrúas Cial S.L., which has represented the Fassi brand in Spain since 1978. These twin cranes belong to the load capacity class with a maximum lifting moment of 102 tm/1000 kNm.
With a horizontal hydraulic outreach of 31.8 m (jib included) and a horizontal capacity at the tip of the jib of 1410 kg at 27.5 m, these cranes have several features as standard, including the touch-screen colour video monitor to control crane operation near the column, the FX900 control unit, the Automatic Dynamic Control device and prolink that enables work by increasing the lifting angle above the horizontal line parallel to the ground. (Courtesy of K. Trenzano - Transgrúas Cial).
Fassi Gru S.p.A. - Loader cranes manufacturer since 1965
Fassi Gru is the market leader among Italian producers. Its product range and sales numbers place it among the top producers of hydraulic cranes in the world.
Fassi’s production potential is approximately 12,000 cranes per year. The entire range is exported and distributed throughout the world through an efficient and widespread distribution network. From Canada to France, from the UK to Australia, Fassi’s professionalism is reflected in the company’s aim to meet different market needs, which are often linked to the specific geographical and economic conditions of individual countries.