Fassi F365A.2 e-dynamic

A transport and lifting contracting company uses a Fassi F365A.2 e-dynamic truck crane to move through a Hilton Hotel doorway in Dorset

Dorset (UK) – The Fassi UK customer, A R Banks Ltd, a transport and lifting contractor based in Hampshire, was recently contracted to remove equipment from a Hilton Hotel in Dorset. To avoid disruption to hotel guests, the company were operating at the crack of dawn to extract a large piece of industrial equipment through the front entrance using a Fassi F365A.2 e-dynamic truck crane, a job which required precision and skill.
Fassi F365A.2 e-dynamic

A Fassi F365A.2 e-dynamic articulated crane is the star of the London St Patrick's Day Parade

London (United Kingdom) – On the 18th March, a Fassi F365A.2 e-dynamic articulated crane was part of the annual St Patrick’s Day Parade in central London. The parade features elaborate floats, marching bands, sports clubs and Irish dancing schools from across the UK and Ireland in a procession from Piccadilly, passing some of London’s most iconic landmarks, including The Ritz, Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square, continuing onto Whitehall, following a 1.5-mile (around 2.4 km) route.
Fassi F365A.2.26 e-dynamic

Fassi's distributor in Romania, Eurobody Hydraulics srl, proposes a special installation during a positive period for the market

Bucharest (Romania) – Fassi’s Romanian distributor, Eurobody Hydraulics srl, has undertaken the installation of a Fassi F365A.2.26 e-dynamic loader crane onto a MAN TGS 33.420 6X4 BB truck with semitrailer. The model comes in at the top of the medium duty range and has a maximum lifting moment of 31.6 tm and a maximum hydraulic outreach of 16.7 m. This is a typical installation, used most frequently to help with the handling of bulky loads.
Fassi F365A.2.24 e-dynamic

Fassi’s Hungarian distributor installs a F365A.2.24 e-dynamic loader crane

Aszód (Hungary). Fassi’s Hungarian distributor, Gif Modul Commercial and Supplying Ltd, a company based in the town of Aszód, has recently installed an F365A.2.24 e-dynamic loader crane to a Mercedes Arocs 2636 6x4 truck at the request of Szábed Kft., a transport, concrete-laying and lifting company. (Courtesy of Gif Modul Commercial and Supplying Ltd.)
Fassi F365A.2.27 - Renault K 460 6x6

A special installation of an F365A.2.27 hydraulic crane in Hungary

Aszód (Hungary). The Hungarian company MVM OVIT Zrt, which provides electrical grid installation and maintenance on a national scale, have recently taken delivery of a special installation done by Fassi’s Hungarian distributor, Gif Modul Commercial and Supplying Ltd. Gif Modul installed an F365A.2.27 crane onto a Renault K 460 6x6 truck, which is able to function perfectly on difficult terrain and therefore solve a wide variety of troubleshooting tasks. (Courtesy of Gif Modul Commercial and Supplying Ltd.)
Fassi F365A.2.22
London (UK) – 14th December. Last week, this F365A.2.22 crane was seen at the foot of the iconic Big Ben clock tower, joined to the Palace of Westminster in the English capital, carrying scaffolding supplies to a London construction site. This model has a lifting capacity of 34.15 t/m and a hydraulic reach of 8.15 metres, which is a configuration typically used by construction material distributors for delivery operations.

Fassi F365A.2.26 e-dynamic
Velesmes-Essarts (France) – 28th October. A Fassi F365A.2.26 e-dynamic crane fitted on a two-axle tractor unit was recently delivered to the company Transports Bourgeois. This company is headquartered in Velesmes-Essarts, near Besançon in the department of Doubs, Franche-Comté, and it has been operational since 1975. The F365A.2.26 e-dynamic has a lifting capacity of 31.70 ton/m and a hydraulic outreach that can reach up to 16.70 m. Courtesy of Fassi France (C. Lima)

Fassi Gru S.p.A. - Loader cranes manufacturer since 1965

Fassi Gru is the market leader among Italian producers. Its product range and sales numbers place it among the top producers of hydraulic cranes in the world.

Fassi’s production potential is approximately 12,000 cranes per year. The entire range is exported and distributed throughout the world through an efficient and widespread distribution network. From Canada to France, from the UK to Australia, Fassi’s professionalism is reflected in the company’s aim to meet different market needs, which are often linked to the specific geographical and economic conditions of individual countries.