Fassi participates in the eighth CIRP IPSS conference

Bergamo (Italy) - 20th and 21st June. The 8th CIRP IPSS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on the theme of “Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle” recently took place in Bergamo (http://ipss2016.unibg.it/). Fassi took part, presenting the scientific paper entitled “A TRIZ based Failure Identification Tool for Product-Service-Systems”, which was written in collaboration with the University of Bergamo and which was received with great interest by the audience.
Once again, Fassi demonstrated its awareness that a close relationship with the academic world is essential for the continuous process of innovation of its products and services. Specifically, Fassi has demonstrated to be aware of, and ready for, new trends regarding the Internet of Things, where there is a tendency to provide a series of services along with a product which serve to increase its value.

Fassi, in fact, proposes services which accompany its cranes, such as the Residual Life estimator, the Maintenance Assistant, the Fassi Smart App and the Internet Of Crane®, which permit the most efficient and effective use, management and maintenance of a crane.

Fassi Gru S.p.A. - Loader cranes manufacturer since 1965

Fassi Gru is the market leader among Italian producers. Its product range and sales numbers place it among the top producers of hydraulic cranes in the world.

Fassi’s production potential is approximately 12,000 cranes per year. The entire range is exported and distributed throughout the world through an efficient and widespread distribution network. From Canada to France, from the UK to Australia, Fassi’s professionalism is reflected in the company’s aim to meet different market needs, which are often linked to the specific geographical and economic conditions of individual countries.