Tombolo (Italy) - 31st August. The Ormet dealership (located in Colle Umberto, near Conegliano) recently fitted and delivered a vehicle with a Fassi F165AC.2.25 to the company Evit S.r.l. of Tombolo, near Cittadella. This newly-established company is made up of a team of specialists who design and construct plants in the building sector. Demolition for reconstruction, the construction of plasterboard structures, false ceilings, the supply and laying of flooring, light carpentry, water systems, fire prevention systems, anti-theft systems, air conditioning systems and the maintenance of pre-existing plants are just a few of the activities carried out by Evit S.r.l. The Fassi model that Evit S.r.l. will use for the handling of materials and equipment has a lifting capacity of 14.68 tons/m and a hydraulic outreach of 13.45 m. Courtesy of M. Baron (Ormet S.p.A.).
Fassi Gru S.p.A. - Loader cranes manufacturer since 1965
Fassi Gru is the market leader among Italian producers. Its product range and sales numbers place it among the top producers of hydraulic cranes in the world.
Fassi’s production potential is approximately 12,000 cranes per year. The entire range is exported and distributed throughout the world through an efficient and widespread distribution network. From Canada to France, from the UK to Australia, Fassi’s professionalism is reflected in the company’s aim to meet different market needs, which are often linked to the specific geographical and economic conditions of individual countries.