The Fassi code of ethics in the name of sustainability and corporate responsibility

Fassi has drafted and adopted its own Code of Ethics, which defines the founding values of the company that are geared toward sustainability and responsibility.

The code of ethics is the charter of fundamental rights and duties drawn up and adopted by Fassi to become the communication tool of the principles that inspire the company’s activities.


Fassipromotes and guarantees sustainable development through:

  • Social responsibility
  • Environmental protection
  • Health and Safety in the workplace
  • Product Safety and Quality


And this is how Fassi, by putting values, choices, behaviours and actions on paper, traces a path that becomes an internal pact in defence of corporate and environmental sustainability.


for anonymous internal reports of wrongdoing of general interest of which it has become aware by reason of the employment relationship.

IT Codice etico sicurezza salute
IT Codice etico sicurezza salute
EN Codice etico responsabilita sociale
IT Codice etico sicurezza salute
IT Codice etico sicurezza salute