REACH Certificate of Compliance

REACH is an EU regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals.

It is comprised of 15 titles divided into 141 articles and 17 technical annexes, and as it is a regulation rather than a directive, it does not require any transposition or implementation, and is immediately applicable by all EU member states.

The REACH regulation requires all manufacturers and importers (from non-EU countries) of chemical substances to register with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Registration of chemical substances entails the sending by producers and importers to ECHA of a complex list of information regarding said substances and their use. In the case of particularly dangerous substances, ECHA imposes further specifications for the authorisation or limitation of use.

The list of substances for which production, sale or use must be authorised within the European Union can be found in Annex XVII of the regulation; this list is periodically revised and can be consulted at any time via the ECHA website.

The list regarding the “restrictions on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles” can be found in Annex XVII. These substances are not subject to preventative authorisation; however, senders, users and suppliers are subject to restrictions listed in the aforementioned annex.

Fassi Gru S.p.A. does not add to its products, at any point in the production cycle, any substances listed in Annex XIV for which it is necessary to request authorisation for use.

The company must however check that throughout the supply chain, there are no suppliers using said chemicals without authorisation.

ISO 14001 2015 a